I wonder how often I overlook God's great provision in my own life... I know he doesn't specifically hand everyone the check list as he did with Ananias, then again, we are not all called to go and make friends with one such as Saul.
As I sit and look back on different stages in my life I can see the hand of God working. I can thank him for the unanswered prayer, the answered ones and the in between ones.
Day to day though... How often am I missing Him? This morning, revived from finishing that part of the Paul blog, thankful and peaceful; I said my morning prayers and started he day.
A sink full of dishes, lunches for the kids, breakfast, folding a pile or two of laundry... All before 8 am. A 10 hour work day... Dinner for the kids; trip to Costco... All before 8 pm. Unpacking the groceries in a hurry, trying to take care of the task at hand and getting the kids in the tub. Putting away items in the fridge a jar of strawberry jelly rolls off the shelf and crashes at my feet in a heap of glass and a glob of red.
Tucking the kids in... Prayers and kisses... A cup of water... Leave the light on mom... The latter having me walk into the kids bathroom where there are dirty clothes on the floor and a billion Legos on the bathtub ledge threatening to topple over and head down the drain Toy Story style. Of course I have to pick them up... Walking over to the tub my feet find themselves in a puddle of water... I love bath night...
After all is as right as it's going to get tonight I remember I haven't really eaten dinner, a late lunch and this momma needs something to eat.
Survival crept in today.... I forgot for a moment the lessons of this weekend. Forgot my strong voice saying... I am not in Survival mode!
Finally fed... Waiting on a friend for some girl time and time in the word. Friday nights Bible study is Experiencing the Spiritual Revival...
Re-reading my notes from this weekend, drawing strength from women who've "been there too" And lived to tell about it...
I would like to share with you... My notes... But if you continue reading, I challenge you to comment... And pass your notes back... You never know who needs a revival that you could help lift up!
Angela Thomas--- when called to write her book "52 Things Kids Need from a Mom", thought they don't need me telling them what to do... I don't have it all together... But her heart changed and she thought... I AM JUST GONNA PASS MY NOTES BACK.
Are you ready for my notes?
Hebrews 12:1-2. Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the Joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Turning to God is an intentional choice. We have a goal, train yourself to live in this world.
Sheila Walsh
Storms change the landscape, you will not come out of it the same.
If we carry the baggage of guilt, shame, sin, jealousy, etc... At the end of this life we will say "it would have been better without all this baggage"
There is a difference between Conviction and Condemnation
Be strong from the inside out
Revelation 3:8 "I know your works, see, I have set before you an open door and no one can shut it. For you have little strength, have kept my word and have not denied my name.
Christine Caine
Broken pieces
God says... I gave you an instruction, don't respond with all the reasons you cannot do. He knows you cannot... But he can and will through you.
God uses the ones that aren't counted
Impossible is where God starts, when it looks impossible... That is where the miracle happens.
Bless (not curse) my "not enough".
The blessing did not occur until it was broken
I asked the women riding with me what they wanted to start seeing a change or revival in... In their life at home, work, church, this world... Etc...
Now mine...
It begins with Me. I choose to follow mighty God who created all things! A God who loved so much that he sent a bridge for me, when I fell short... His Son paved the way.
I want to see a generation of women:
Standing up in faith
Speaking out and silenced no more
Raising up from our seats and taking lead for our children
For and bringing forth a revival in this world... Loving unconditionally and serving with the heart of Christ.
No more survival... Finding Joy and serving for a life much bigger than I imagine. Holding the Regimental Flag for my home, my husband, my kids... with our eyes fixed on the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Gauntlet falls... What is yours?