The rain has come and even though the air in my house is in the 60s the doors are gloriously open... the old stale air has gone and the smell of rain surrounds. The kids and dogs are now sleeping.
My candles are lit. I love candles, their warm glow, the light against dark waged in a hot fiery battle; light always wins.
The quail family running across the back wall, happily chirping to the next yard, every-day like clock work. A conversation with a best friend... I love those mornings!
The house is not clean, though I am happily getting things picked up and
done; laundry is turning in the machines.
I was called to write...
This week was a long, trying week. The mornings were tough, the broken record I became; stuck in monotone repeating the same sentences to the kids. Get dressed, get your shoes on. Do you have your lunch- do you have your lunch? Why aren't your shoes on... we're going to be late... Then picking the kids up, do you have your back-pack, water cup, books, where's your
jacket. At the table, all of the tables this week; my house, church, restaurant; Eat your dinner, eat your dinner, this is the only time we're eating tonight, eat your dinner... Bath time... TV time.... bed time... rinse and repeat daily.
Speaking of TV - I am frustrated with TV; I am frustrated with the acceptable and the unacceptable. So frustrated, I cannot climb onto that soap box now. Cable is gone... Pulled out from the wall.
I lost my bible, I prayed, then found my bible and a little more of myself; Thank you Jesus!
There were deadlines, ones I couldn't meet. I prayed for Grace; please let me forgive myself first for letting myself down then let everyone forgive me for the things I cannot accomplish. Moved to tears when Grace came and the prayer was answered. I had to stop, dry my eyes and exclaim; Thank you Jesus!
Yes, called to write... called to stop and revel in this morning moment...
My soul is refreshed, my soul is warming... God's grace abounds!
I hope you are blessed today my friends!