Let me talk to you about my best friends couch, the last time we were there it was October, they'd only been in Utah since January of that year. The weather was starting to turn chilly, the leaves were changing. We did a lot of fun things that week but since she'd moved away I had been missing our conversations, her laughter and sitting side by side. I was missing our treasured friendship. So since February as the excitement built up for our visit and she'd send me email after email of places we could go... I'd always end with... of course I just want time with you on your couch; a dinner in and conversation with you.
The week didn't work out as planned... arriving Monday... dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant and birthday cake for my hubbie's big day. Tuesday was water park day... and that's when it happened...
We'd spent the morning riding rides and having fun. We ate a great lunch and headed to the water... I am not ashamed to say it "happened in the kiddie pool" because it did. I was also following the request of my wonderful blond headed little boy.
"Mom, will you go down the slide with me?"
And it was all over... I am that mom that plays with my kids. I know that no matter what I look like or how old I am they are always going to look for me to be there and do things with them. I desire a bond with my kids that creates memories... fond ones of being home. I want to do life with them, in love..
So yes, mom went on the kiddie slide... I don't have any clue how it happened or what when wrong but... I felt a snap and my ankle was done. It was a hassle to get out of the water I found myself in at the bottom of the slide, it wasn't very deep but when only one leg works and the water keeps coming...
I couldn't panic because my son was there... His eyes twinkled when I finally came up for air.
"Wasn't that fun Mommy, can we go again?"
What happened next was a series of life guards and a wheelchair, first aide... and a trip to the urgent care clinic
An snap-shot of time etched in my memory is of my son, standing next to me feet crossed over themselves, shivering from the warmth of the sun and the wet from his swim-trunks holding his hands up to his mouth looking at me. His soft voice quietly says, "Mom, I am sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to go with me. This is my fault." I reassured him that it was just an accident, like falling off a bike and I would go again if I could, even if I knew the result. Hugs and wipe away his tears. Holding myself together...
I had less than 24 more hours with my cherished friend, we had some good talks but what sticks with me is how much she served me with love. Blessings in the mess... Blessings in the brokenness. She cared for my daughter who wouldn't leave my side. She calmed her fears. She cared for me and ran for my prescriptions. She helped me navigate my new crutches and caught me when I fell; helped me upstairs, helped me change from my still damp pool clothes, helped me to the bathroom... she kept log of the times I took medicine, kept me fed and happy. In those 24 hours she fit a weeks worth of all the things we loved doing together while sitting on her couch, which was exactly what I wanted to do on vacation anyway.
Getting off the plane, switching my phone on... I already had text messages
from friends and a voicemail from my Bestie. The text messages were from our new church letting us know they've organized and are preparing dinners
for the next few nights. The voicemail simply stated that not only had our
new church organized and decided on dinners but also that our home church
would pick up and do the rest. We felt loved, taken care of and owned.... in a family church body. My husband was in awe. I simply cried.
Blessing number one: We flew in and out of regional airports that we'd never flown before. Non-stop... Both airports were the kind of friendly you just don't see anymore. One had five gates and the other only had one.
Blessing number two: The return flight was full but the night before we were able to get us all on the same flight.
Blessing number three: We'd been trying for months to sell our minivan, with no takers... I mean... none... we took it to Phoenix for this trip because it's safer... BUT it's also equipped with a wheelchair... we'd been trying to sell that too for years, with no luck.
Yes. God is in this.... he is here... and he's providing along the way.