Sunday! Didn't I just say good-bye to you last week? Sadly, here we are again. I don't want to say hello to Monday- at all in-fact.
So I am just going to dig my heels in and say Monday can't come. Futile resistance but just let me pretend! I am going to sit here in the silence of Sunday night and write to you all... My readers, my friends... There are days you sustain me. Do you know that? You make me stop and smell the flowers, you make me take a moment to look around and notice life... How do you make me do that... Because I am constantly searching for a new topic, a new spark... a moment that just speaks to me.
Two of those moments came from you all this week. One at the beginning and with perfect opposite timing, the other at the end of this weekend. On Monday, one of you faithful readers - someone I know more professionally, emailed me at work "work-stuff" and then "P.S. I love reading your posts", Wow! Really? Then today at church this morning... A friend says, "I just love reading your posts, sometimes all I have time for is to look for you and read what you've written"! Me? Mine? Wow! Thank you... Food for my writing soul!
This path is such a discovery... Both of self and of others. Through this I get the privilege to hear you sometimes... The times I receive a comment that a post is exactly what you've needed, please know those are also the days I have prayed for you. Other times when someone approaches me and we get to talk about a tough topic because you've read something I have gone through which provided the courage to talk about it. Who knew something so impersonal could translate to therapy for the soul?!?
I am so blessed.
So tonight... I just want to say thank you.. Again... For reading... For following along... For your kind words and tough conversations.... For sustaining me.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to come to you this night to thank you for the blessings of encouragement you provide to me everyday. I want to thank you for this gift you've given me and the privilege to touch lives.
I come to you to pray for every single person reading. For the things in their lives; I don't know their hearts or prayers completely but you do, I know that...
I know you are there in the midst of change, sadness, loss, worry and concern... I also know that you celebrate right along with us when the blessing is poured out.
So I pray for the struggle of the mom trying to keep it together, I pray for the family facing a job loss or not enough money to pay the bill that's due on Tuesday. Lord take care of those needs in your perfect timing, you are never late! I pray for the mother who is grieving an imaginable loss tonight... I pray for the health concerns among all of them. I pray that if any of my friends are seeking you, who don't know you and want to know more about your love and grace they reach out to me or someone who can help them come to you. I thank you for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Especially tomorrow!
In your son's holy name - Amen
Have a wonderful week my friends...