I took a walk this morning... Just down to the corner really. My son had only just woken up. My daughter still tucked inside her blanket.
I wanted to hear the quiet of the morning. Looking for God and all his glory. I wanted a picture of the sunrise, I couldn't quite capture it in a way that was what I was looking for. So I gave up and looked for other things. I found these flowers overgrown the side walk. The color is one of my favorites.
I took this picture and walked home. In my mind I have the picture of the soft first light and the pastel colors.
All over the place, at work, on Facebook and in other Blogs I am reading about Lent. This season of 40 days of fasting, repentance, etc. that I have never done. It's not something that my form of Christanity practices. That is okay by me and traditionally I am not practicing it now... However, it does make me consider the purpose of it.
Anytime you set aside the desire of self, of this world to follow, draw near to or become closer to the One who created all it has to be be benificial. Really why stop at 40 days. Why not continue daily? That is where I am.
Tonight as a family we set time aside, no TV... Get our your bibles... Let's get into God's Holy Word and draw closer as we prepare our hearts for the cross, for the One who wore our sin, died and rose again.
Interestingly, as I say it's everywhere, so it also is in Guide Posts 2014 - my devotional if you are a regular on here.
My kids are young so they are learning the Bible and how to read it. We tell them where we are looking, how to find it. Old or New Testament and let them take turns finding the chapter, the verse and helping them read it out loud. We also read out of each of our Bibles because they are all a little different.
Together as a family we went through the verses and talked about them. Talked about this season of Lent and why others practice it... And we decide we will continue 40 days of conversation, of time in the word with each other in this fashion.
The One who created all deserves no less...
Therefore, you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach then to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 11:18-20
Going back to the picture... The thought sits with me and the introductory words I wrote at the very beginning, not even meaning to. Faith, my faith... Is a lot like looking to take a picture. I couldn't find what I was desiring to find so I gave up and looked for other things.
I should give up my desires and look in only one direction. Yes, I am thankful for these moments and this season.