I’ve been contemplating this topic for a number of weeks.
The back story… I am part of a women’s group and we were having dinner recently, the conversation was deep, intentionally so. The question posed to the group, “what lie - in one word or phrase does the world keep giving you to wear”?
Mine keeps getting handed to me like bad luggage… sometimes I give it to myself and sometimes someone else expects me to pick it up again.
Damage in a word. Damage in a thought… one word or phrase that sometimes keeps us from moving forward… sometimes keeps us from doing great things… sometimes keeps us from doing God things.
More recently than that, in a conversation with a woman I admire and count as a dear friend made a huge life decision. The decision equivalent to stopping in this moment and moving forward in another direction; a decision which was bold, thoughtful, frightening, and provoking all at the same time. As she shared with me her thoughts regarding this new path of life she said the following sentence that made me pause, “and reading your blogs, the things you say… made me think. They helped me get through some tough weeks.” All I could think was, "are you kidding me… they help me get through tough weeks" and what’s more than that is while I knew some of her challenges, I did not know the entire story. I still don’t but in conversations she’s always smiling and joyful; uplifting and immensely loving. How could I help someone like wonderfully-amazing her?
Back to this question. I believe we all struggle with something we know we have overcome, something that maybe used to be us and isn’t us anymore. Something that maybe never was us but was just a label someone gave us that we couldn’t shake.
My word is Fraud... I feel like I am waiting on the world, friends and family, work colleagues, everybody... to discover I am not qualified to be here... in this space, in any space really. In reality, I know have great skills... I just cannot help to hear the word behind my ear and it cuts to my heart and I believe. Damage in a word.
I shared that with the women's group and a new friend of mine sat across the table from me; with these grand sweeping circular motions, she said; "all I want to say is not true!" And I believed her... but I also believed myself...
With that thought, I reached out to friends and friends of friends to find out what their words were…
While this topic marinated in my head I attended a church retreat this weekend... a slumber party of sorts... all ages... The weekend started in worship. I wish I could have bottled up what quickly became my favorite part of the weekend... Women's voices... worshiping and praising God. The sound of strength and courage, the sound of love and devotion, the sound of brokenness and hope. Then the pastors wife prayed, she prayed straight into my heart... she prayed into this woman's heart... the weekend began.
Spoken to me in content, in conversation, in listening to the quiet intimate crying of friends this thought rested on me again... the lies we believe, the words the world continues to hand us and we just take back... over and over.
The words started coming in... ~ Words in pictures...

As I received these I was struck by many things...
I know these ladies,
obviously, or they wouldn't trust me with words guarded so closely to their hearts.
Failure was the first picture, it was hard to look at and brought me to tears. For this beautiful woman, wife and mother who sent it to me... that she wears this word within her... her F broke my heart... So bold and defined... like she not only holds on to the word Failure but also almost like she even gave herself a grade.
YOU are not a Failure... your truth is that you are Fearfully and wonderfully made....

I understand why she thinks this. Many conversations... and to see it written out... I wish I knew what you were thinking as you traced your left hand and wrote the words across yourself.
You are strong! You have lived through and overcame heartbreak and sorrow... You are more than Equal... you are beautiful and faithful.

Worthless... worth nothing...
A wife, a mother... someone's sister - daughter... a friend.
Not worthless.... worth everything! Someone's everything.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Who tells us these things? Who gives us these words, these lies... WHO? Who has the right to hand them to us as if to say...
"Here, this is you!"
I love this picture... this book is called Spiritual Warfare...
These lies, these words only come from one place!
My friends, hear me when I say... these words do not come from the author and finisher of our faith... they do not come from the creator, provider, protector... Savior... King...
John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is do to your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and father of lies.
That makes me angry... we believe these things that come from a bad place...

Ultimately... fear... being afraid of what people will "find out". Being afraid of failing. Being afraid that we really are worthless...
I read this friends word and immediately my mind wanted to combat her fear, what ever it was with...
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power and love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
Which lead me to... So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, "Abba, Father."
We no longer need to be Afraid...
This one as well... false... Too small or meaningless... to be worth consideration...
To believe... inside... that you aren't worth being considered... aren't worth being considered --- can you imagine?
Behind a smile... behind a hug and a hello might be someone who believes they aren't worth considering.
I have my own definition...
Adjectives: words that describe or modify another person or thing in the
ALL of these.... Failure, not equal, worthless, not smart enough, insignificant... fraud! Words that modify another person in the sentence... words that modify... modify... our inner selves.
What I love about this this word, insignificant... defined... written out for this writer... words can change!! We can use them to redefine almost anything... even who we are. We can take insignificant words like these to remind us who we are.

I received this picture... blurry limitations... the text said,
"As soon as she said it tonight I thought that's me. I limit myself and even worse I limit God."
I read these words....
I look at these pictures - like artwork into women's souls... I know there are so many more women and thousands more words...

Her phrase was I am not enough... I don't do enough... not enough...
But the TRUTH...
Her hand rests on... JESUS LOVES ME and I AM ENOUGH!
1 John 4:10 This is real love--not that we loved God, but that HE loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they were all written. The days fashioned for me.
I am NOT (a)___________________! God formed me and knows me intimately... He loves me... enough to send his Son to the cross... To die so that I can live in the truth.
John 8:31-32 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free."