How many of us battling with grief feel that the enemy tries to use it against us. I very much feel this is a spiritual battle. The enemy tests and tries us at every moment of everyday. I believe this is why we are always so tired. Grief is very much emotionally and physically draining. Which I truly believe is partly due to the spiritual warfare that tries to consume us as we grieve the one we loved so intimately and no longer walks with us on our journey this side of heaven.
That being said I know who walks with us as we battle our grief battles at every moment of the day. That very one is God. God sees our struggles and affliction. He knew these days would come as He knows all our days.
He knows the Plans. Jer 29:11
He is the beginning and end. Rev 1:8
Lord is close to the Broken-Hearted. Psa 34:18
Side note:
Now you may wonder why I didn’t put the whole scriptures down, well this was on purpose for you to go and reference them for yourself and submerge yourself in Gods word and have the Holy Spirit lead you read this blog and His word, I pray He speaks to you and lays words of wisdom on your heart. You may want to read all of Jer 29. Let Gods word speak to you as you reference this blog post, feel free to leave feed back where God lead you and why.
I truly believe our Grief battle is not always with God. Yes I will not deny because we are all human that we have all questioned God at one time or another as to why this happened, why are our loved ones not here, why we are having to deal with all this pain. As were are dealing with this pain should we be mad at God or should we be mad at the darkness that consumes our world. The fact that our world is broken just as the Bible describes wether we are believers of God or not, were are not invulnerable to the evils that surround us. The very reason the Bible states these verses:
Eph 6:10-20 Be strengthened by the Lord.
1 Peter 5:6-11 Humble yourselves
We need to understand we are surrounded by darkness, evil, sin however you want to define it. We are not immune. Our sin and brokenness could be the cause of our pain it could be caused by others or just the broken world in general. We may never know, the point is to not stay stuck in the why and embrace the fact that we are still here and for what purpose.
I pray that all who are reading this are able to find your God given purpose while grieving and not letting the enemy keep you stuck, and be intentional in your purpose. Some of you may have already found purpose. Remember some acts of intentionality may seem insignificant, but we cannot dismiss the small things in Life.
Blessings to my Readers
Triple Legacy